Oh, I should mention that chapters are available for preorder on the store now! I only need 9 orders of the bundle or a combination with individual chapter purchases to have enough to get them printed soon. There are also now some neat posters available for immediate shipping :]. Did all this last week, but didn't have a new page to officially announce it with ;__; XD
D: That top panel was a killer. Took me the rest of the day after the Livestream to finish it.
Thanks for watching the Livestream! It was good to be back, and again it really seemed to help me speed things up for some reason XD. It seems I'll have to wait for a Windows 8 version of Procaster though, because it slowed everything way down when I started Photoshop, so I had to cut the stream short :[
New vote incentive is a closeup of the killer painting itself ;__;.
Anyway, thanks for reading! :D Gonna go see The Hobbit pretty soon and I can't wait. Been a while since I've been to the movies, and even longer since I've been this excited to see a movie *_*