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Posted March 25, 2013 at 11:26 AM

I think Dagger has been keeping me on schedule somehow XD. It's the third week in a row the page has been on time. I'll try not to jinx it :B

This was a fun page! For once the backgrounds were less of a struggle than the foregrounds. Also, it contains one of my favorite expressions on a character in the comic so far :3

A couple of things,

A big thanks to the author of TJ and Amal for the shoutout on Tumblr ;_;.

Oh, also, I just stumbled on this awesome fantasy webcomic called Solstoria. It is beautifully illustrated. The colors, omg *__*.

Both of these comics are definitely worth a read :]

Finally, hello to all the new readers! I hope you're enjoying the comic! Thanks so much for reading! :D

Tags: vol1, vol1-vn3